OSRS Methods to Make Money The Easy
osrs gold Making: Simple & Fast Methods (2020)
Let’s face it, we all need runescape 3 gold. Whether you’re out for a twisted bow or perhaps a dragon scimitar, having a few more GP could be quite a good idea. However, with the game of Runescape and the myriad of things to do, finding a viable source of income can be difficult. Shop has created an extensive list of our top methods to make money from Runescape. They’re reliable and relatively low-medium in cost. Try them all and find the one that works best for you!
Killing Ankous – 140k/h
Ask any slayer expert and you’ll see that Ankous are astonished at the amount of profits and exp for such an easy monster. To defeat these level 75s, all you need is very basic combat equipment (trust me, they are weak). ) along with some food items. Quick tip: Ankous are not able to melee , therefore we recommend having melee equipment.
When you’ve got everything you need ready, you’re now ready to go towards Barbarian Village. In particular, you’ll have to go down to the Stronghold of Security, using the hole in the map. After traversing the mazes on each level, you’ll arrive on the floor below, known as the aEURoeSepulchre of DeathaEUR floor. And as shown on the map, all you have to do is find your way to the purple dot, then – you’ve found the Ankous! It’s simple to eliminate them, gather a full inventory and then go back to the surface. Bank and repeat. To make your journey even more efficient We recommend teleporting tablets.
Mining Iron Ore – 150k/h
Requirements for 15 Mining
This one is only for Runescape Free to Play players. It’s named Mining Iron Ore. If you’ve acquired the armor from Varrock Easy Diaries, don’t forget to wear it! It will give you a 10% chance to boost your ores, which will increase over time.
Pickaxes are the best tool to take you toward the south-west Varrock mine, which is shown in the map. From there, you can simply cut away at the iron stones. When you’ve got a full collection, simply go to the north, towards the Varrock West bank, and continue to work! Soon, you’ll have thousands of iron ore as well as some mining levels!
Crafting Teleport to Home Tablets – at 155k/h
Requirements 40 Magic
If you ask any OSRS player what they do with their home teleport tablets. They’ll be surprised! So, it’s only sense to profit from this and create some house teleport tablets of our own. This method is also easy to forget! You’ll require an amulet, glory, or a dueling ring, as well as some soft clay, dependent on the number of teleport tablet your wish to make, law runes and earth runes. Also, you will need a teleport to any house equipped with a mahogany-eagle-lectern. Additionally, if there’s a portal chamber in the house you’re using, that saves you the space for inventory.
For the beginning, get your things within your inventory, fill the rest of the spots in your inventory with soft clay. After that, visit your home with your mahogany Eagle Lectern. Choose «Study Lectern» and then make your home tablets. Then, relax and enjoy! It’s a long process, so make sure you have something at the same time. Once they’ve all been made take a teleportation to a bank, and go through the entire process again!
Killing Chaos Druids – 200k/h
Requirements: Combat stats required to be able to kill multiple level 13s
Chaos Druids are always the secret of low-level OSRS riches, ask any Runescape player! To defeat these easy level 13s, the only thing you need is some very basic weaponry, and if you’ve got an arsenal of loot also bring it. It’s true that we’ll be in a wilderness area of levels 1-4 and it’s quite safe, but it is the risk of being a threat, so bring anything that you would not want to lose! We recommend bringing only a glory and a Scimitar. However, it is your decision.
With your gear, head to Edgeville In particular the underground entrance to the Edgeville Dungeon as illustrated on the map. Once inside the dungeon go toward the north, east, then north again to reach the Chaos Druid area. You’ll have to go through the wilderness gates for access to the dark dungeon. It’s easy to kill them, loot up, return up to the surface and bank again. A quick tip to ensure that you don’t attack anyone else make sure you change your attack option to «Always Right Click.’
Stringing Yew Longbows 250k/h
Requirements: 70 Fletching
AfK, great money and experience, with relatively minimal requirements, what else could you ask from an OSRS Method to make money? You’ll need an unstringed longbow of yew and the same number of bow strings in order to string Yew Longbows.
With your yew longbows that are not strung and bow strings in a bank, you’ll need an area to spend the remaining hours (presuming you’ll continue to use this technique for a few days). Your new location is important for efficiency reasons. It must be 1 tile away from a bank. This way you can have quick 1-click access to your bank. We recommend places such as Varrock’s Grand Exchange in Varrock, where you can sell your bows right after you make them all but you are able to go to any and all banks. On your way, access your bank account, remove 14 yew bows that are not strung as well as 14 bow strings. You can use them together, and you’ll be brought into a user interface, from which you’ll simply have to choose «Longbow, «Make all’ and then sit back and relax. You can then bank and repeat the procedure.
Producing Oak Planks – 334k/h
Requirements: 50 Firemaking, Enlighted Journey Quest, Balloon Transport System Unlocked
Oak planks are a popular construction material in Runescape. It’s only natural that planks of oak could be very lucrative. For this OSRS method of making money, you’ll need coins (6500 per willow log) and some oak logs, willow logs (exactly 26 times the amount of willow logs) as well as Rings of Dueling (1 Ring of Dueling for every 8 Willow Logs).
Bring all your possessions with you for Castle Wars via your Ring of Dueling Teleport. You’ll require 26 oak logs as well as willow logs to withdraw money from the bank. We recommend that you bring all your cash to maximize effectiveness. From there, you can run to the north, away from castle wars, and to the Balloon and then travel to Varrock.
Once you’re at Varrock Simply move to the north and you’ll be at the lumberyard. There you’ll find the Sawmill Operator. Speak to him and select to «Buy Planks’. Once you’ve turned all of your logs into planks, utilize the Ring of Dueling and head back to Castle Wars, starting the process all over again until you’re running out of oak logs.
Charging Air Orbs at 350k/h
Requirements Required: The 66th Magic
Air orb charging can be a worthwhile option, especially considering its low magic requirement. You’ll need an Amulet of Glory with charges as well as an Air Staff and Unpowered Orbs (1 for each air orb), and Cosmic Runes (3) per one.
Visit the Edgeville bank and deposit your Amulet Of Glory and Air Staff. You can then withdraw the cosmic runs of 81 and 27 Obbs that are not powered from your bank (unnoted). Then, walk south to the Edgeville Dungeon entrance, and proceed to the trapdoor.
If you’re familiar with our Chaos Druid guide, you’ll be aware that in order to reach the Chaos Druids, you’ll need to travel north, east and then back north to the Wilderness gate (scroll up to the map image). This is the exact method to charge air orbs However, the path doesn’t end at the Chaos Druids. Once you’re at the Chaos Druids, you’ll need to go to the North-West region of the small wilderness, passing by the black demons, and you’ll see a ladder. From there, just climb the ladder and you’ve found the Air Obelisk.
For charging air orbs, you must go to your spellbook. There’s a Level 66 spell titled «Charge Air Orb» at the bottom of the screen. If you’ve ever thought of it, it’s what we’ll be using. Then, choose it and then the Air Obelisk will be placed on top of your character. You can now relax and take a break while the game will do the rest for you.
This way you’ll be in level 7 wilderness. Even though it is quite safe, you will most likely encounter a player killer here and there. As the saying is, don’t bring anything that you’re not willing to risk. To increase your security, so that you don’t get a head injury on anyone, ensure that you have the Player Attack Option to «Always Right Click.’
When all your air orbs have been made you can teleport back to Edgeville with the Amulet of Glory, bank again, and see the Runescape GP flow in!
Casting Tan Leather – 400k/h
Requirements for the 78 Magic game, Lunar Diplomacy, as well as the Hard Fremennik diary
We would all be tan leather in Al Kharid when we were youngsters and noobs. Incredibly, with this method, we’ll go back to our roots, but this time – at a much greater gold per hour rate and also with some fantastic magic exp! You will need an astral rune, a firestaff (2 for every 5 leathers you would like), nature runes (1 for every 5 leathers you’d like) as well as blue dragonhides (the same amount that you’d like to use to tan your skin).
Once you have all your funds stored in your account, your lunar spell book activated and your fire staff fully equipped, go to any bank. The Grand Exchange would be the most efficient, since you are able to quickly sell and buy Blue Dragon Leather as well as Blue Dragonhides after you’ve completed the tanning process for all your hides.
Your collection of nature and astral runes, as well as 25 Blue Dragonhides that are not noted are needed to begin the process of tanning your hides. Go to your spellbook and select the «Tan leather» spell. Use it until all 25 Blue Dragonhides have been tanning. Then, it’s as simple as bankrolling your leather and then withdrawing the remaining 25 Blue Dragonhides. A quick tip: Prior to you purchase hides, be sure to verify the price.
Crafting Blood Runes: 555k/h
Requirements: 77 Runecrafting 38 Mining 38 Crafting, and 100 Arceuus’ Favor.
In OSRS making Blood Runes gives a ridiculous amount of cash, given how easy it is to make. Let’s go over the steps to make blood runes as well as the steps to deposit the profits. You’ll require two tools: a chisel and pickaxe to complete this job. (Scroll down to the «Mining Iron Ore» guide to look up the list of pickaxes that you must use for each stage). To make even more money We recommend gear that is lighter including elegant armor.
Travel north until you reach head north towards Blood Altar in the Great Kourend. When you do this it is recommended that you get 100% Arceeus favor, which means we don’t have to run you through getting to the Arceeus house. You might not have realized that the Arceeus house is situated in the northern region of the Great Kourend. In order to enter the blood altar there is no need for jewelry or Tiaras.
Before we actually craft the runes in themselves, we’ll be required to mine dense essence at the dense runestone mine, turn the stones into dark essence blocks at the altar to the dark, and chip them into dark essence pieces. If that wasn’t enough, we’ll have to repeat the entire process. We’ll make it worthwhile, we’ll promise it!
It is necessary to go to the dense runestone mining area (with an axe) to mine the rich essence. This is the blue highlight on the map. Once you’ve accumulated the entire inventory it is possible to head to the Dark Altar located just west of the mine. It’s labelled on your map and we’ve even provided an image. Select the Dark Altar to convert your essence blocks that are dense into dark essence. It’s simple to use your chisel to create dark essence fragments using the blocks. This is the fun part. All you’ll need is once more, except for the grinding!
With the second pile of dark essence blocks, you’ll have to now make an easy run towards the Blood Altar. Use our map if not sure where the Blood Altar is.
You’ve done the hard part and now you can get to the part you’ve been waiting for. Simply click «Bind to the Blood Altar, and you’ll have a pile of blood runes in your inventory. Now, just chisel the remainder of your dark essence blocks into pieces and then bind them to the Blood Altar again for another stack of Blood Runes. It is now time to wash and repeat.
Hunting Black Chinchompas – 785k/h
Requirements: 72 Hunter
The top spot in OSRS strategies for making money. Black Chinchompas, which is a well-loved Runescape gamer’s favorite is the best way to make it through the entire process. In order to play this mode you’ll require some basic, affordable gear to defend against potential player murderers, food to protect yourself from killers of players, six box traps (however it’s always best to have spares), steel darts (or any other ranged weapon you feel at ease with), an Ava’s Accumulator (so you don’t lose all of your darts made from steel) and an charged Amulet of Glory. As you can see in the visual, we generally look for Black Chinchompas.
It’s time to pack up your gear and are all set to go! We’ll make use of the Edgeville Canoe to get to our spot to hunt. You can find this canoe near the Grand Exchange, but just in case you missed it then we’ve provided a visual. Use the «A Waka» to guide the canoe. Then, you’ll be brought close to the west of the Black Chins. It’s a simply eastwardly walk until you reach the spot which is on the map.
This is the perfect time to make some money! You can capture these black Chinchillas if you set up your box traps the way we did in the visual. If you’re only using 5 box trapsin your collection, then remove the northeast box trap, or remove the northwest trap. It’s easy to collect your traps when they’ve been able to catch a chinchompa or been dismantled. Remember that we advised you to bring a ranged weapon such as a steel dart. These come in useful if you notice that the Chinchompas begin to wander off in the hope of hitting them once and get them back towards you.
If you’d like to go back to the mainland, follow the Wilderness level south route, then use your Amulet of Glory to travel back to Edgeville to begin the process again.
We are finished with our OSRS Making-making methods. You’ll soon be on the way to Runescape riches If you take a look at all of them.
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